It's also an Alex Ross piece, which ties it into my comic book fandom. Sadly, I don't dare post it on Bloggity thanks to rethuglicans. The title piece in The Village Voice, the source of this cover, has an interesting quote about politics:
Ever since the days of Joe McCarthy, the claim that a made-up charge by one side is no longer an outrage if the wronged party gets a chance to refute it has been an easy refuge for journalistic scoundrels. When Republicans accused someone of being a Communist, newspapers reported it, true or not; then they reported the victim's outraged denials, the day's work done—no matter that the person's life might now be ruined by the merely invented accusation. With a setup like that, the side willing to say anything to win will win every time.
Rethuglicans will say anything to win. They are the enemy. Terrorists may threaten our lives, but the Bush Administration threatens our very way of life.