Friday, April 14, 2006

Metafilter Political Discussion

"It amazes me how the more vocal abortion opponents care only that the mother gives birth, not that the child has a decent life." - Oaf (Metafilter)

In El Salvador, abortion is illegal. Metafilter links to an article about how that has worked out for the women who live there.

And, as usual, it's a casual comment on the really nasty long thread that gets to the heart of the issue for me. I'm anti-abortion, but pro-choice, because the people who claim to be "pro-life" tend to simply be more anti-sex... they want to control women's bodies. And once those children are born, "pro-life" idiots seem to think it's just fine that the babies die in poverty and filth. Because being "pro-life" is all about controlling other people, not about helping them.

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